English for Exams
Exam Preparation Plans
Our highly qualified teachers expertly tailor lessons to your specific needs, ensuring you focus on areas that will most significantly improve your exam performance.
Experienced Instructors
Our experienced teachers are experts in exam preparation, providing you with the best strategies and tips to succeed in your A1 to C2 exams
Comprehensive Resources
Get immediate access to a wide range of study materials, practice tests, and interactive activities designed to enhance your understanding and skills.
Supportive Environment
Enjoy a friendly and encouraging atmosphere where you can ask questions, make mistakes, and learn at your own pace, which will fast boost your confidence.
What is YLE Starters?
These tests introduce children to everyday written and spoken English and are an excellent way for them to gain confidence and improve their English.
The tests are written around familiar topics and focus on the skills needed to communicate effectively in English through listening, speaking, reading and writing.
Pre A1 Starters can help your child take their first step towards:
- understanding basic English content on the internet
- enjoying books, songs, television and films in English
- making friends globally.
Online Learning Options and Prices: Group lessons start September 30th, 2024
Group Standard (up to 10 students) | Group Fast-track (up to 5 students) | Private Standard *lessons start within 7 days | Private Fast-track *lessons start within 7 days |
Online campus 24/7/365 | Online campus 24/7/365 | Online campus 24/7/365 | Online campus 24/7/365 |
Group Tutor = Yes | Group Tutor = Yes | Private Tutor = Yes | Private Tutor = Yes |
Lessons per month = 8 | Lessons per month = 8 | Lessons per month = 4 | Lessons per month = 8 |
Academic minutes = 480 | Academic minutes = 640 | Academic minutes = 240 | Academic minutes = 640 |
Tutor Assessment = Yes | Tutor Assessment = Yes | Tutor Assessment = Yes | Tutor Assessment = Yes |
Custom Assignments/Feedback = Yes | Custom Assignments/Feedback = Yes | Custom Assignments/Feedback = Yes | Custom Assignments/Feedback = Yes |
Completion certificate = Yes | Completion certificate = Yes | Completion certificate = Yes | Completion certificate = Yes |
Exam preparation = Yes | Exam preparation = Yes | Exam preparation = Yes | Exam preparation = Yes |
Grammar focus | Grammar focus | Grammar focus | Grammar focus |
€150 per month | €225 per month | €190 per month | €250 per month |
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What is YLE Movers?
These tests introduce children to everyday written and spoken English and are an excellent way for them to gain confidence and improve their English.
The tests are written around familiar topics and focus on the skills needed to communicate effectively in English through listening, speaking, reading and writing.
A1 Movers can help your child:
- understand basic instructions or take part in simple conversations
- understand basic notices, instructions or information
- complete basic forms and write notes, including times, dates and places
Online Learning Options and Prices: Group lessons start September 30th, 2024
Group Standard (up to 10 students) | Group Fast-track (up to 5 students) | Private Standard | Private Fast-track *lessons start within 7 days |
Online campus 24/7/365 | Online campus 24/7/365 | Online campus 24/7/365 | Online campus 24/7/365 |
Group Tutor = Yes | Group Tutor = Yes | Private Tutor = Yes | Private Tutor = Yes |
Lessons per month = 8 | Lessons per month = 8 | Lessons per month = 4 | Lessons per month = 8 |
Academic minutes = 480 | Academic minutes = 640 | Academic minutes = 240 | Academic minutes = 640 |
Tutor Assessment = Yes | Tutor Assessment = Yes | Tutor Assessment = Yes | Tutor Assessment = Yes |
Custom Assignments/Feedback = Yes | Custom Assignments/Feedback = Yes | Custom Assignments/Feedback = Yes | Custom Assignments/Feedback = Yes |
Completion certificate = Yes | Completion certificate = Yes | Completion certificate = Yes | Completion certificate = Yes |
Exam preparation = Yes | Exam preparation = Yes | Exam preparation = Yes | Exam preparation = Yes |
Grammar focus | Grammar focus | Grammar focus | Grammar focus |
€150 per month | €225 per month | €190 per month | €250 per month |
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What is YLE Flyers?
These tests introduce children to everyday written and spoken English and are an excellent way for them to gain confidence and improve their English.
The tests are written around familiar topics and focus on the skills needed to communicate effectively in English through listening, speaking, reading and writing.
A2 Flyers can help your child:
- understand simple written English
- communicate in familiar situations
- understand and use basic phrases and expressions
- interact with English speakers who talk slowly and clearly.
Online Learning Options and Prices: Group lessons start September 30th, 2024
Group Standard (up to 10 students) | Group Fast-track (up to 5 students) | Private Standard *lessons start within 7 days | Private Fast-track *lessons start within 7 days |
Online campus 24/7/365 | Online campus 24/7/365 | Online campus 24/7/365 | Online campus 24/7/365 |
Group Tutor = Yes | Group Tutor = Yes | Private Tutor = Yes | Private Tutor = Yes |
Lessons per month = 8 | Lessons per month = 8 | Lessons per month = 4 | Lessons per month = 8 |
Academic minutes = 480 | Academic minutes = 640 | Academic minutes = 240 | Academic minutes = 640 |
Tutor Assessment = Yes | Tutor Assessment = Yes | Tutor Assessment = Yes | Tutor Assessment = Yes |
Custom Assignments/Feedback = Yes | Custom Assignments/Feedback = Yes | Custom Assignments/Feedback = Yes | Custom Assignments/Feedback = Yes |
Completion certificate = Yes | Completion certificate = Yes | Completion certificate = Yes | Completion certificate = Yes |
Exam preparation = Yes | Exam preparation = Yes | Exam preparation = Yes | Exam preparation = Yes |
Grammar focus | Grammar focus | Grammar focus | Grammar focus |
€150 per month | €225 per month | €190 per month | €250 per month |
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What is KET?
This basic-level qualification is a great exam to take if you’re new to learning English. A KET qualification shows that you can use English to communicate in simple situations.
It’s a logical next step after Cambridge English Qualifications designed for young learners and a good place for older students to start learning English too.
It should give you the confidence to go on and study for higher-level exams such as B1 Preliminary (PET) and B2 First (FCE).
An A2 Key certificate shows that you can:
- understand and use basic phrases and expressions
- understand simple written English
- introduce yourself and answer basic questions about yourself
- interact with English speakers at a basic level.
Online Learning Options and Prices: Group lessons start September 30th, 2024
Group Standard (up to 10 students) | Group Fast-track (up to 5 students) | Private Standard *lessons start within 7 days | Private Fast-track *lessons start within 7 days |
Online campus 24/7/365 | Online campus 24/7/365 | Online campus 24/7/365 | Online campus 24/7/365 |
Group Tutor = Yes | Group Tutor = Yes | Private Tutor = Yes | Private Tutor = Yes |
Lessons per month = 8 | Lessons per month = 8 | Lessons per month = 4 | Lessons per month = 8 |
Academic minutes = 480 | Academic minutes = 640 | Academic minutes = 240 | Academic minutes = 640 |
Tutor Assessment = Yes | Tutor Assessment = Yes | Tutor Assessment = Yes | Tutor Assessment = Yes |
Custom Assignments/Feedback = Yes | Custom Assignments/Feedback = Yes | Custom Assignments/Feedback = Yes | Custom Assignments/Feedback = Yes |
Completion certificate = Yes | Completion certificate = Yes | Completion certificate = Yes | Completion certificate = Yes |
Exam preparation = Yes | Exam preparation = Yes | Exam preparation = Yes | Exam preparation = Yes |
Grammar focus | Grammar focus | Grammar focus | Grammar focus |
€150 per month | €225 per month | €190 per month | €250 per month |
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What is PET?
A B1 Preliminary qualification shows that you have mastered the basics of English and now have practical language skills for everyday use.
This exam is the logical step in your language learning journey between A2 Key (KET) and B2 First (FCE)
It should give you the confidence to go on and study for higher-level exams such as B2 First (FCE) and C1 Advanced (CAE).
A B1 Preliminary qualification shows that you can:
- read simple textbooks and articles in English
- write letters and emails on everyday subjects
- take meeting notes
- show awareness of opinions and mood in spoken and written English.
Online Learning Options and Prices: Group lessons start September 30th, 2024
Group Standard (up to 10 students) | Group Fast-track (up to 5 students) | Private Standard *lessons start within 7 days | Private Fast-track *lessons start within 7 days |
Online campus 24/7/365 | Online campus 24/7/365 | Online campus 24/7/365 | Online campus 24/7/365 |
Group Tutor = Yes | Group Tutor = Yes | Private Tutor = Yes | Private Tutor = Yes |
Lessons per month = 8 | Lessons per month = 8 | Lessons per month = 4 | Lessons per month = 8 |
Academic minutes = 480 | Academic minutes = 640 | Academic minutes = 240 | Academic minutes = 640 |
Tutor Assessment = Yes | Tutor Assessment = Yes | Tutor Assessment = Yes | Tutor Assessment = Yes |
Custom Assignments/Feedback = Yes | Custom Assignments/Feedback = Yes | Custom Assignments/Feedback = Yes | Custom Assignments/Feedback = Yes |
Completion certificate = Yes | Completion certificate = Yes | Completion certificate = Yes | Completion certificate = Yes |
Exam preparation = Yes | Exam preparation = Yes | Exam preparation = Yes | Exam preparation = Yes |
Grammar focus | Grammar focus | Grammar focus | Grammar focus |
€187.50 per month | €280 per month | €230 per month | €295 per month |
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What is FCE?
A B2 First qualification proves you have the language skills to live and work independently in an English-speaking country or study on courses taught in English.
This exam is the logical step in your language learning journey between B1 Preliminary (PET) and C1 Advanced (CAE).
It should give you the confidence to go on and study for higher-level exams such as B2 First (FCE) and C1 Advanced (CAE).
A B2 First qualification shows that you can:
- communicate effectively face-to-face, expressing opinions and presenting arguments
- follow the news
- write clear, detailed English, expressing opinions and explaining the advantages and disadvantages of different points of view
- write letters, reports, stories and lots of other types of text
Online Learning Options and Prices: Group lessons start September 30th, 2024
Group Standard (up to 10 students) | Group Fast-track (up to 5 students) | Private Standard *lessons start within 7 days | Private Fast-track *lessons start within 7 days |
Online campus 24/7/365 | Online campus 24/7/365 | Online campus 24/7/365 | Online campus 24/7/365 |
Group Tutor = Yes | Group Tutor = Yes | Private Tutor = Yes | Private Tutor = Yes |
Lessons per month = 8 | Lessons per month = 8 | Lessons per month = 4 | Lessons per month = 8 |
Academic minutes = 480 | Academic minutes = 640 | Academic minutes = 240 | Academic minutes = 640 |
Tutor Assessment = Yes | Tutor Assessment = Yes | Tutor Assessment = Yes | Tutor Assessment = Yes |
Custom Assignments/Feedback = Yes | Custom Assignments/Feedback = Yes | Custom Assignments/Feedback = Yes | Custom Assignments/Feedback = Yes |
Completion certificate = Yes | Completion certificate = Yes | Completion certificate = Yes | Completion certificate = Yes |
Exam preparation = Yes | Exam preparation = Yes | Exam preparation = Yes | Exam preparation = Yes |
Grammar focus | Grammar focus | Grammar focus | Grammar focus |
€280 per month | €350 per month | €290 per month | €370 per month |
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What is CAE?
More than 8,000 educational institutions, businesses and government departments around the world accept C1 Advanced as proof of high-level achievement in learning English. Preparing for C1 Advanced helps learners develop the skills to make the most of studying, working and living in English-speaking countries.
This exam is the logical step in your language learning journey between B2 First and C2 Proficiency. It should give you the confidence to go on and study for C2 Proficiency.
A C1 Advanced qualification shows that you can:
- follow an academic course at university level
- communicate effectively at a managerial and professional level
- participate with confidence in workplace meetings or academic tutorials and seminars
- express yourself with a high level of fluency
Online Learning Options and Prices:
Prices: Group lessons start September 30th, 2024
Group Standard (up to 10 students) | Group Fast-track (up to 5 students) | Private Standard *lessons start within 7 days | Private Fast-track *lessons start within 7 days |
Online campus 24/7/365 | Online campus 24/7/365 | Online campus 24/7/365 | Online campus 24/7/365 |
Group Tutor = Yes | Group Tutor = Yes | Private Tutor = Yes | Private Tutor = Yes |
Lessons per month = 8 | Lessons per month = 8 | Lessons per month = 4 | Lessons per month = 12 |
Academic minutes = 480 | Academic minutes = 640 | Academic minutes = 320 | Academic minutes = 640 |
Tutor Assessment = Yes | Tutor Assessment = Yes | Tutor Assessment = Yes | Tutor Assessment = Yes |
Custom Assignments/Feedback = Yes | Custom Assignments/Feedback = Yes | Custom Assignments/Feedback = Yes | Custom Assignments/Feedback = Yes |
Completion certificate = Yes | Completion certificate = Yes | Completion certificate = Yes | Completion certificate = Yes |
Exam preparation = Yes | Exam preparation = Yes | Exam preparation = Yes | Exam preparation = Yes |
Grammar focus | Grammar focus | Grammar focus | Grammar focus |
€280 per month | €350 per month | €290 per month | €370 per month |
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What is CPE?
A C2 Proficiency qualification shows the world that you have mastered English to an exceptional level. It proves you can communicate with the fluency and sophistication of a highly competent English speaker.
Preparing for and passing the exam means you have the level of English that’s needed to study or work in a very senior professional or academic environment, for example on a postgraduate or PhD programme.
A C2 Proficiency qualification shows that you can:
- study demanding subjects at the highest level, including postgraduate and PhD programmes
- negotiate and persuade effectively at senior management level in international business settings
- understand the main ideas of complex pieces of writings
- talk about complex or sensitive issues, and deal confidently with difficult questions.
Online Learning Options and Prices:
Prices: Group lessons start September 30th, 2024
Group Standard (up to 10 students) | Group Fast-track (up to 5 students) | Private Standard *lessons start within 7 days | Private Fast-track *lessons start within 7 days |
Online campus 24/7/365 | Online campus 24/7/365 | Online campus 24/7/365 | Online campus 24/7/365 |
Group Tutor = Yes | Group Tutor = Yes | Private Tutor = Yes | Private Tutor = Yes |
Lessons per month = 8 | Lessons per month = 8 | Lessons per month = 4 | Lessons per month = 12 |
Academic minutes = 480 | Academic minutes = 640 | Academic minutes = 320 | Academic minutes = 640 |
Tutor Assessment = Yes | Tutor Assessment = Yes | Tutor Assessment = Yes | Tutor Assessment = Yes |
Custom Assignments/Feedback = Yes | Custom Assignments/Feedback = Yes | Custom Assignments/Feedback = Yes | Custom Assignments/Feedback = Yes |
Completion certificate = Yes | Completion certificate = Yes | Completion certificate = Yes | Completion certificate = Yes |
Exam preparation = Yes | Exam preparation = Yes | Exam preparation = Yes | Exam preparation = Yes |
Grammar focus | Grammar focus | Grammar focus | Grammar focus |
€280 per month | €350 per month | €290 per month | €370 per month |
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What is IELTS?
Educational institutions, employers, professional registration bodies and government immigration agencies often require proof of English language skills as part of their recruitment or admission procedures. IELTS is widely accepted for these purposes.
IELTS is also accepted by over 3,400 institutions in the USA, including boarding schools, associate, undergraduate, graduate, professional and law programs.
IELTS is designed to test the language ability of people who want to study or work where English is used as the language of communication. Over 3 million tests are taken each year.
IELTS enables you to:
- start your journey into work or study in another country
- prove your English language skills
- decide on a module to match your goal – Academic or General Training.
Online Learning Options and Prices: Group lessons start September 30th, 2024
Group Standard (up to 10 students) | Group Fast-track (up to 5 students) | Private Standard *lessons start within 7 days | Private Fast-track *lessons start within 7 days |
Online campus 24/7/365 | Online campus 24/7/365 | Online campus 24/7/365 | Online campus 24/7/365 |
Group Tutor = Yes | Group Tutor = Yes | Private Tutor = Yes | Private Tutor = Yes |
Lessons per month = 8 | Lessons per month = 8 | Lessons per month = 4 | Lessons per month = 8 |
Academic minutes = 480 | Academic minutes = 640 | Academic minutes = 320 | Academic minutes = 640 |
Tutor Assessment = Yes | Tutor Assessment = Yes | Tutor Assessment = Yes | Tutor Assessment = Yes |
Custom Assignments/Feedback = Yes | Custom Assignments/Feedback = Yes | Custom Assignments/Feedback = Yes | Custom Assignments/Feedback = Yes |
Completion certificate = Yes | Completion certificate = Yes | Completion certificate = Yes | Completion certificate = Yes |
Exam preparation = Yes | Exam preparation = Yes | Exam preparation = Yes | Exam preparation = Yes |
Grammar focus | Grammar focus | Grammar focus | Grammar focus |
€350 per month | €435 per month | €365 per month | £460 per month |
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What is a SELT?
A SELT is a Secure English Language Test. You need one to be able to get either a family visa, work visa, or study visa to be able to live in the UK.
Why choose SELT:
- Recognized Certification: Obtain a globally recognized SELT certificate that enhances your educational and career opportunities.
- Fast Results: Receive your exam results quickly, allowing you to proceed with your plans without unnecessary delays.
- Wide Acceptance: Accepted by governments, universities, and employers worldwide, ensuring your certification meets various requirements.
- Convenient Test Locations: Access numerous test centers globally, providing you with the flexibility to choose a convenient location.
Online Learning Options and Prices: Group lessons start September 30th, 2024
Group Standard (up to 10 students) | Group Fast-track (up to 5 students) | Private Standard *lessons start within 7 days | Private Fast-track *lessons start within 7 days |
Online campus 24/7/365 | Online campus 24/7/365 | Online campus 24/7/365 | Online campus 24/7/365 |
Group Tutor = Yes | Group Tutor = Yes | Private Tutor = Yes | Private Tutor = Yes |
Lessons per month = 8 | Lessons per month = 8 | Lessons per month = 4 | Lessons per month = 8 |
Academic minutes = 480 | Academic minutes = 640 | Academic minutes = 320 | Academic minutes = 640 |
Tutor Assessment = Yes | Tutor Assessment = Yes | Tutor Assessment = Yes | Tutor Assessment = Yes |
Custom Assignments/Feedback = Yes | Custom Assignments/Feedback = Yes | Custom Assignments/Feedback = Yes | Custom Assignments/Feedback = Yes |
Completion certificate = Yes | Completion certificate = Yes | Completion certificate = Yes | Completion certificate = Yes |
Exam preparation = Yes | Exam preparation = Yes | Exam preparation = Yes | Exam preparation = Yes |
Grammar focus | Grammar focus | Grammar focus | Grammar focus |
€350 per month | €435 per month | €365 per month | €460 per month |
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What is TOFEL?
The TOEFL iBT test helps you stand out confidently in English. It’s the only test that measures all four academic English skills — reading, listening, speaking and writing — the way they are actually used in a classroom, so you can be confident you’ll stand out to universities where it counts.
TOEFL enables you to:
- The TOEFL iBT test helps you stand out confidently in English. It’s the only test that measures all four academic English skills — reading, listening, speaking and writing — the way they are actually used in a classroom, so you can be confident you’ll stand out to universities where it counts.
- When you choose TOEFL iBT to show your English proficiency, universities notice and know you’re ready to succeed. prove your English language skills
Online Learning Options and Prices: Group lessons start September 30th, 2024
Group Standard (up to 10 students) | Group Fast-track (up to 5 students) | Private Standard *lessons start within 7 days | Private Fast-track *lessons start within 7 days |
Online campus 24/7/365 | Online campus 24/7/365 | Online campus 24/7/365 | Online campus 24/7/365 |
Group Tutor = Yes | Group Tutor = Yes | Private Tutor = Yes | Private Tutor = Yes |
Lessons per month = 8 | Lessons per month = 8 | Lessons per month = 4 | Lessons per month = 8 |
Academic minutes = 480 | Academic minutes = 640 | Academic minutes = 320 | Academic minutes = 640 |
Tutor Assessment = Yes | Tutor Assessment = Yes | Tutor Assessment = Yes | Tutor Assessment = Yes |
Custom Assignments/Feedback = Yes | Custom Assignments/Feedback = Yes | Custom Assignments/Feedback = Yes | Custom Assignments/Feedback = Yes |
Completion certificate = Yes | Completion certificate = Yes | Completion certificate = Yes | Completion certificate = Yes |
Exam preparation = Yes | Exam preparation = Yes | Exam preparation = Yes | Exam preparation = Yes |
Grammar focus | Grammar focus | Grammar focus | Grammar focus |
€350 per month | €435 per month | €365 per month | €460 per month |
Join Now | Join Now | Join Now | Join Now |